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One month has elapsed since the tragedy in Highland Park, IL, and there is still a very real need to raise awareness and assistance.

Chicago-based Farmheads Group, which operates Farmhouse in Evanston and Farm Bar in Lakeview, Chicago, began their ongoing Charity Giveback program which supports local nonprofits in Chicago and Evanston. The restaurant group donates 20 percent of all Tuesday sales at Farm Bar and Wednesday sales at Farmhouse. In the spirit of community, the nonprofits are sourced directly from the submissions of patrons, themselves, and support a diverse range of missions relevant to local communities such as women’s empowerment, children’s health and refugee education, among others.

In the case of Highland Park, the sad news hit close to home, as several restaurant team members were affected personally.  

Thus far, the restaurants have raised over $56,000 since the program’s inception.  Farm Bar in Lakeview has donated $34,000 and Farmhouse in Evanston raised $22,000 through the program. 

Farm House Evanston and Farm Bar Lakeview will donate 20% of all sales to the Highland Park Community Foundation's July 4th Highland Park Shooting Response Fund.  All donations will go directly to victims and survivors or the organizations that support them. Additionally, restaurant owners TJ Callahan and Ferdia Doherty will match the donation up to $5000.


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